Windows 10 ‘October 2018 Update’ 1809 Try #2

November 16, 2018


Last month on October 2nd, Microsoft announced the latest build/version update of Windows 10, the Windows 10 October 2018 Update. The new naming pattern is improved over what they’d done in the past, where updates were called “Creators Update” or” Fall Creators” Update. As a version, this latest update build is called Windows 10 1809.


The “October 2018 Update” slated for October, was not available for everyone in the month, not long after its release (to be installed manually), there were numerous important data loss bugs that were discovered and made with through Microsoft’s testing process, and the public update release was then discontinued. There’s been a lot of discussion online on how this occurred, and why it’s happened, but it has caused a good delay with everyone getting the latest “October 1809 Update” (the 2nd major update for 2018).


This is unfortunate on a number of levels, with the first being that these bugs were actually reported during the preview releases to the Windows Insider Program, but they weren’t acted on, and second, as Windows 10 has matured since it first came out in 2015, the hope has to be that with fewer major feature changes in each update, updates should be less intrusive and cause fewer issues, but clearly Microsoft is not quite there yet. They’ve made some changes to the Insider Program, but time will have to tell if that helps or not.


Windows 10 Build Versions
Version Version Number Release Date
Windows 10 Original Release 1507 July 29, 2015
November Update 1511 November 10, 2015
Anniversary Update 1607 August 2, 2016
Creators Update 1703 April 5, 2017
Fall Creators Update 1709 October 17, 2017
April 2018 Update 1803 April 30, 2018
October 2018 Update 1809 October 2, 2018


Microsoft has not announced any changes to its servicing model of two updates per year, although with both of the 2018 updates having 

major issues causing them to slow deployment, there’s still some anxiety over whether the current method is justified for Microsoft, and of course for the millions of corporate customers who have to access and maintain the operating system their companies.


Even after all of this, there are numerous new features for Windows 10 in the “October 2018 Update” which should make workflows a bit easier to manage, as well as plenty of less important updates which at some point we can go over. Microsoft has been concentrating its efforts into making more productivity features for Windows 10, which fits in well with where the operating system is most used, but they continue to improve its core items; security, privacy, and user-friendliness. We shall look into the new features coming with the Windows 10 “October 2018 Update”.



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