Virginia Firm Trusts Advantage Industries To Help with CMMC Compliance Preparation 

A Virginia firm was looking for a team of IT professionals that could help them prepare for a CMMC compliance review.

Virginia Firm Trusts Advantage Industries To Help with CMMC Compliance Preparation

A Virginia firm was looking for a team of IT professionals that could help them prepare for a CMMC compliance review. They wanted a team of IT specialists who could help them make sure they had made all the necessary considerations regarding CMMC compliance. They reached out to Advantage Industries for guidance and consultation, and our team was immediately eager to support them.

Advantage Industries Helps Virginia Firm Prepare for CMMC Compliance Review

We recently heard from an electronics manufacturing company in Arlington, VA. Their management team was in the process of getting their IT compliance up to standard and they were looking for a team of IT professionals in Virginia who could help them develop and implement a comprehensive and strategic approach to Cybersecurity Maturity Manual Certification (CMMC) compliance.

As a team of IT professionals who are very well versed in all things compliance, we were immediately impressed by the proactivity of this Arlington electronics manufacturing firm. It was clear to us from the very beginning that this leadership team understood the importance of maintaining CMMC compliance and they also clearly recognized the value of recruiting a team of IT specialists to help them develop a proactive and comprehensive compliance effort. We always respect when a client has done their homework, so we were immediately eager to work with them.

The fact of the matter is, as technology continues to become a more and more critical resource for businesses in all industries, IT security and compliance are becoming a more pressing concern. A variety of regulatory bodies exist to hold businesses and organizations accountable by setting compliance standards when it comes to business IT and data transmission. Businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes should be aware of the various regulatory bodies that exist to ensure they are adhering to the government and industry standards that apply to them.

In this case, Cybersecurity Maturity Manual Certification (CMMC) compliance is regulated by the US government to ensure government contractors maintain the highest levels of cybersecurity. This Arlington electronics manufacturing company did their research and understood that for them, CMMC compliance is simply non-negotiable. That’s why they reached out to us. They wanted to partner with an experienced team of IT security and compliance professionals to make sure their compliance effort was sufficient and strategic from end-to-end.

We have helped countless Virginia organizations approach CMMC compliance strategically. In fact, our team of IT professionals are experts when it comes to all forms of IT security and compliance. We know that IT compliance is serious business and that’s why we always go above and beyond to ensure every client has implemented reliable safeguards and strategic policies to continually maintain regulatory compliance. That’s why we knew we could help this Arlington organization approach CMMC compliance strategically and comprehensively.

We’ve decided to put together a quick breakdown of the kind of compliance support this organization was looking for and how we partnered with them to help them get and stay compliant. We’re sharing our experience because we want other local businesses to know that Advantage Industries provides reliable IT compliance support in Virginia. If your organization needs to up your compliance game, we’re ready and willing to help! You can learn more about our approach below.

The Situation: Here’s Why This Virginia Firm Was Looking For Professional CMMC Compliance Support

When the leadership team from this Virginia electronics manufacturing firm reached out to us, they made it clear that compliance was their top priority. They knew they were required to maintain strict CMMC compliance and while they had started taking steps to get compliant, they wanted a team of IT professionals to help them take a more strategic and comprehensive approach. Above all, they wanted to be sure they had done their due diligence.

They were in the process of consulting with and interviewing a variety of Virginia IT providers to find the right support partner. We respected their tenacity and we were honored that they had reached out to us as a potential compliance support provider. What impressed us most was the fact that they had really taken the time to think about the exact kind of assistance they were looking for and they didn’t want to settle for anything less than excellence.

Here’s the kind of compliance support this Virginia firm was looking for:

  • Initial consultation – First, they were looking for a provider who could come in and conduct an initial consultation. They wanted the provider to understand their business operations, needs, and goals. By getting to know their organization, the provider would be better positioned to develop a customized and robust approach to compliance.
  • Full-scope systems review – Next, they wanted a provider to conduct a full-scope review of their IT infrastructure. This would help their compliance support provider get a birds-eye view of the resources they rely on and the type of data they access, store, and transmit. This way, the provider could help them ensure compliance mechanisms could be implemented across their entire IT infrastructure.
  • Comprehensive compliance planning & implementation – Once the initial consultation and review were complete, they were looking for a provider who could help them develop a systematic and strategic approach to compliance planning. They wanted to develop a robust and strategic compliance plan so that they could implement compliance mechanisms, policies, and procedures effectively.
  • Ongoing compliance support – Finally, they wanted to find a reliable IT compliance partner who could support their organization on an on-going basis. In today’s unpredictable and constantly-evolving business environment, they wanted a reliable and strategic partner who could help them maintain their IT infrastructure and ensure their business processes were consistently compliant and up-to-date.

Clearly, we had our work cut out for us. We were immediately eager to start putting together a proposal explaining the support services we could provide to help this Virginia organization stay consistently compliant with CMMC standards. We wanted to make sure we addressed every single one of their requests so that they knew we could provide the customized compliance support they required.

The Strategic & Comprehensive Compliance Support we Proposed for This Virginia Organization

As we mentioned, our team has a lot of experience helping Virginia organizations optimize their approach to IT compliance. While compliance can come in many forms, at its core, IT compliance is about implementing reliable and comprehensive safeguards and protocols to ensure all IT resources and data transmission processes are sufficiently and proactively secured.

However, despite our extensive experience providing IT compliance support for Virginia businesses and organizations, we strongly believe that every organization requires an entirely customized approach to IT compliance. This means that when we partner with an organization to provide compliance support, we need to know everything about the organization, its operations, and its IT infrastructure. The more we know about how an organization functions, the better positioned we are to create an entirely customized IT compliance strategy.

Here’s the comprehensive compliance support we proposed for this Virginia firm:

Preliminary Consultation 

We proposed that we would start with an initial consultation to get to know this Virginia electronics manufacturing firm better. We wanted to know about their mission and their unique business needs and goals. We wanted to meet with their entire team to get a feel for how all the different components of their organization function in their day-to-day operations. We wanted to get to know how they were deploying different IT resources and how they used IT to enable communication, collaboration, and data transmission. We also wanted to understand which IT resources were most essential and which ones housed the most sensitive data. By getting to know all of the different elements of their organizational IT, we would be better positioned to start crafting a completely customized IT compliance strategy.

Comprehensive Infrastructure Review  

After the initial consultation, we proposed that a comprehensive review of their entire IT infrastructure would be the appropriate next step. Our team of Virginia IT specialists would come in to examine their IT infrastructure from end-to-end. The goal of this examination would be to identify redundancies and areas that required optimization and improvement. However, most importantly, our examination would be focused on identifying security and compliance gaps. We wanted to get a clear idea of existing gaps in their IT infrastructure that could leave them open to security threats and compliance violations. By identifying these weak spots, our compliance strategy could be targeted to address gaps and streamline security and compliance efforts more strategically across their network infrastructure.

Strategic Compliance Planning 

Once we had a lay of the land, we explained that we would work to develop a detailed, strategic, and reliable compliance action plan. By creating an action plan, we would be able to create a targeted and systematic approach to ensuring their entire operational infrastructure would remain consistently aligned with CMMC regulatory standards. We explained that our strategic compliance plan would include a detailed description of the necessary changes that would be made to their infrastructure. Our plan would also be fully transparent and would explain exactly why we were doing everything that we were doing. The strategic compliance plan would also include the development of concrete compliance policies and protocols to be upheld consistently by the organization.

Implementation of Compliance Solutions and Protocols 

As soon as the strategic compliance plan was complete and approved by the organization, we explained that our team would work diligently and strategically to implement all of the necessary compliance solutions and protocols. Depending on how the compliance plan took shape, this might include implementing additional layers of security or more robust data access controls. Regardless of what needed to be implemented, we explained that our team would ensure the work was conducted efficiently and without causing any disruption to their daily operations. We also explained that key compliance policies and protocols would be centralized and made available to the entire team so that each team member always knew what was required to maintain compliance consistently.

Long-Term Compliance Support 

Finally, we explained that by partnering with us, this organization could rest assured that they had a reliable compliance support partner on their team for the long-haul. No matter how their business evolved or how compliance standards changed, we would be in their corner to ensure their IT infrastructure and operational approach remained consistently in line with regulatory standards. This might involve regular compliance check-ups and/or the continual reassessment of potential risks and security gaps. No matter what they required, we explained that our team of IT professionals would help them ensure compliance was always their top cybersecurity priority.

Looking For IT Compliance Support in Virginia? Advantage Industries Has What it Takes!

After we proposed these comprehensive compliance services, this Virginia organization was immediately impressed by our comprehensive approach. It wasn’t long before we were in talks to put our plans into action to optimize the compliance effort for this team of professionals. By coming to them with a strategic plan and a commitment to long-term compliance support, this leadership team now had peace of mind knowing that they didn’t have to worry about threats to their business continuity or major financial penalties for non-compliance.

Is your organization looking for IT security and compliance support in Virginia? Advantage Industries would love to help. We will invest the time and expertise required to ensure your organization remains fully compliant with whichever regulatory standards apply. The best part? You and your team can put security and compliance concerns to rest and stay focused on business growth. Ready to get strategic about IT compliance? Reach out to our team of compliance specialists anytime! 

Give us a call anytime at (866) 443-8238, drop us a line at, or visit our website to book an initial consultation about IT compliance support in 2021.

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Keith Heilveil

In 1999 Advantage Industries was created to protect and promote our client’s success through the use of innovative technology. Our company is a full services technology firm that provides computer network support and solutions, managed services, cybersecurity, and custom application development for small and medium businesses in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas.

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