Mike And Alison After Hours
Todd Sachs — Sachs Realty

Todd Sachs is the president of Sachs Realty, an independent real estate company based in Columbia, MD.

Mike And Alison After Hours: Todd Sachs — Sachs Realty

The latest episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Todd Sachs, president of Sachs Realty.

Have you been taking time to rest and reset?

Before getting to their guest on this week’s episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast, the two co-hosts caught up and talked about the importance of taking time off. Given the time of year, it’s a fitting topic.

Allison noted that the work culture for salespeople often pushes them to “go, go, go,” with little to no time for themselves. In light of that, Allison noted she was taking some paid time off to ”refill her own cup”.

This is even more important during the pandemic when everyone’s working from home. This overlap between the personal and professional environment has in many cases made people even busier. As Mike notes, he works to live, and not the other way around. Don’t forget to take time off for yourself.

After their brief introductory discussion, Mike and Allison welcomed their featured guest: Todd Sachs. Check out the full video for the complete interview:

Get To Know Todd Sachs And Sachs Realty

Todd Sachs is the president of Sachs Realty, an independent real estate company based in Columbia, MD. In this episode, he explained how he’s taken his realty company on a less traveled business path, preferring to be agile and nimble as an independent organization, rather than join a larger umbrella of companies.

“I wanted to make sure that the only restrictions were what I gave myself, and that we could be a speedboat, if you will, and make our own way,” says Todd. “It has been challenging because we don’t have that big structure that a big ship has.”

Todd demonstrated a clear penchant for the value of both learning and teaching. Similar to Mike and Allison, Todd values the student mentality.

However, he believes it’s equally important to always question what you’re being taught, as it creates new opportunities for development and improvement.

“I’ve always challenged what I’m being told, because it’s only an opinion,” says Todd. “I take what has been done, and what’s being done, and find what’s missing.”

For a full discussion of Todd’s approach to business strategy and further insight, make sure to check out the full episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast. To contact Todd and learn more, visit www.sachsrealty.com and reach out at t@sachsrealty.com.

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