Mike And Alison After Hours
Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III
President, UMBC

This episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Dr. Michael Kerins, President of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Mike And Alison After Hours: Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III — President, UMBC

This episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Dr. Michael Kerins, President of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

This week, Mike and Alison talked to Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III, President of The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

Before diving into their discussion with Dr. Hrabowski, however, Mike and Alison announced a new giveaway — “How To Work With Jerks” written by Eric Williamson. Eric will be a guest on the show in August, at which time we will announce the winner. To enter, make sure to subscribe to Mike And Alison After Hours and drop a comment on our YouTube channel or any audio podcast platform.

With that business out of the way, Mike and Alison moved on to explore Dr. Hrabowski’s career journey and his work with UMBC. Check out the full video for the complete discussion:

Get To Know Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III, President, UMBC

Dr. Hrabowski has served as UMBC’s President since 1992. UMBC is a dynamic public research university integrating teaching, research, and service to benefit the citizens of Maryland.

In light of that, Dr. Hrabowski is an avid researcher, focusing on science and math education, with special emphasis on minority participation and performance. He grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, where he was a child leader in the Civil Rights movement. He started his career in education in Baltimore before moving to UMBC in 1987.

“Of all the things I can say, I care about my students,” says Dr. Hrabowski. “I bleed and breathe UMBC.”

Dr. Hrabowski started at UMBC when it was just twenty years old, at which time it was largely considered a commuter school. Over his time there, Dr. Hrabowski has seen the school drastically transform and evolve, with a majority of its students now living on campus and nearby. They enroll students from over 100 countries, and half their students have at least one parent from another country. UMBC values its international ties, both in fostering a home for visiting students and supporting their students in travel overseas.

Today, UMBC is an Honors University, which provides ambitious students with a comprehensive undergraduate liberal arts foundation, in preparation for their graduate and professional studies and role in the workforce and communities.

For the full discussion with Dr. Hrabowski, make sure to check out the episode above.

“We attract very high achieving students,” says Dr. Hrabowski. “The students in our special programs have turned down the ivies in many cases, and 40% of students go immediately to grad school.”

In particular, UMBC emphasizes science, engineering, information technology, human services, and public policy at the graduate level. The university actively contributes to the economic development of the State and the region through entrepreneurial initiatives, workforce training, K-16 partnerships, and technology commercialization in collaboration with public agencies and the corporate community.

“We can boast some graduates who are amazing leaders around the country,” says Dr. Hrabowski.

For the complete discussion with Dr. Hrabowski, make sure to check out the full episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast. You can visit his practice online at www.magothydental.com.

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Thanks to our sponsor Advantage Industries: www.getadvantage.com, and special thanks to our marketing team Ulistic (www.ulistic.com) for producing every episode.

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