Mike And Alison After Hours
Leonardo McClarty The Howard County Chamber

This episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Leonardo McClarty, President and CEO of The Howard County Chamber.

Mike And Alison After Hours: Leonardo McClarty — The Howard County Chamber

This episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Leonardo McClarty, President and CEO of The Howard County Chamber.

Mike and Alison started this episode by announcing not one, but two new contests! Make sure to give this episode alike, a comment, and a share on social media to enter to win an autographed copy of Andrew Freedman’s new book Thrive. The winner will be announced in June.

But that’s not all — if you are a business owner with ten or more employees (or more) Andrew is also offering a free one-hour coaching session with his company SHIFT, a management consulting firm that follows a data-driven approach to workplace excellence. SHIFT helps clients establish long-term, profitable, scalable business growth while sending employees home happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

With that business out of the way, the co-hosts welcomed this week’s guest — check out the full video for the complete discussion and an interview with Leonardo McClarty:

Get To Know Leonardo McClarty, The Howard County Chamber

Leonardo McClarty is the President & CEO of The Howard County Chamber.

“A lot of the things that we do are geared towards small businesses, and how we can support them and their growth and development,” says Leonardo.

As a membership organization, the Chamber of Commerce is committed to helping businesses of a range of sizes and types to develop their services and attain success. Based on the combined efforts, insights, and experience of 700 members (representing more than 170,000 employees), the Chamber advocates effectively for the good of the Howard County business community.

“We’re focused on, at large, the business and the employer community,” says Leonardo. “Ultimately, you have a lot of the same struggles, whether that’s personnel, sales, development. At the end of the day, you’re trying to get someone to utilize a service and give you money.”

It doesn’t matter whether a business is for profit or not — Leonardo and the members of the Chamber are available to help. Members of the Howard County Chamber of Commerce pursue a mission to provide advocacy, connections, and access to timely information to advance the growth and success of the business community.

“Ultimately I like to say we’re about people, policy, prosperity,” says Leonardo.

For the complete discussion with Leonardo, make sure to check out the full episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast. To contact Leonardo, visit www.howardchamber.com, call 410-730-4111, or email info@howardchamber.com.

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Thanks to our sponsor Advantage Industries: www.getadvantage.com, and special thanks to our marketing team Ulistic (www.ulistic.com/msp-marketing) for producing every episode.

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