Are All Of The Devices On Your Network Desirable?
As a business leader, it feels like you have hundreds of daily tactical obligations that often prevent you from working on the strategic goals that make money for your business.
One of the biggest obstacles is your network: specifically, the devices connected to it. Your best bet to drive more revenue and profit for your company is to create efficiencies in every department with every employee. Your network can feel like an ocean of devices. Some devices you use every day, and some you have not used since the last century.
Those older devices that go unused and unnoticed have a direct impact on your bottom line profit.
Devices That Should Not Be There
Since 1999, Advantage Industries has worked with hundreds of companies like yours in the Maryland, Virginia & Metro DC area. Between then and now, we have seen some interesting things plugged into computers and on corporate networks.
What have we seen? Here are a few of our unique cases:
- Palm Pilots
- Early iPods
- Unauthorized Wireless Devices
- Alexa Devices
- The List Can On Forever
As a business leader, you probably think that plugging in an Alexa device is not a big deal. However, that Alexa device can lead to compliance issues, cybersecurity gaps, and unauthorized access to your network. Those little holes in your network stability take money away from other departments that you should be investing in to increase your company’s profit line.
You should now be thinking about what is going on with your computer network.
Click here to get in touch with our experts and find out if your network is up to par, or call today!