Vulnerability Scans

Why do I need it? Software vulnerabilities always exist because software development is not a perfect process, programmers often work on …
Why do I need it? Software vulnerabilities always exist because software development is not a perfect process, programmers often work on timelines set by budgetary constraints, and may not be able to identify all security flaws before an anticipated product release date.
What is it? Vulnerability scanning is an inspection of the potential points of exploit on a computer network to identify security holes.

Advantage Industries is certified by Tenable to utilize their Nessus Vulnerability Scanner software.   Are your systems protected against potential exploits which might compromise your data?  How about all of the devices connected into your network?  Are you sure all of device software is up to date and is not vulnerable to exploits which could cause significant damage to your mission critical computer networks?

Advantage can help. Our field and help desk engineers are qualified to configure a vulnerability scan for your business computer network.  It is an important part of your overall IT infrastructure security plan.


Perform assessments with the industry’s most widely deployed vulnerability scanner – Nessus Vulnerability Scanner

Advantage helps you protect your IT environment by running vulnerability scans, configuration and compliance checks, malware detection, web application scanning and more. We can identify the vulnerabilities, policy-violating configurations and malware that attackers could use to penetrate your network.

Vulnerability scanning identifies possible threats
Nessus® Professional, the industry’s most widely deployed vulnerability assessment solution helps you reduce your organization’s attack surface and ensure compliance. Nessus features high-speed asset discovery, configuration auditing, target profiling, malware detection, sensitive data discovery and more.
A Nessus vulnerability scanner provides accurate results so you can secure your data

Assess, manage and report

If your business has not had a recent vulnerability scan run on your network, Advantage will perform a Nessus vulnerability scan to determine what is lurking on your networked devices. By utilizing Nessus scan services, Advantage can quickly and accurately identify vulnerabilities, configuration issues and malware in physical, virtual and cloud environments.

Tenable provides a comprehensive data sheet with information about their Nessus vulnerability scanner.

Advantage Industries is certified for Nessus Vulnerability Scans

o Advantage conducts vulnerability scans on a regular basis and provides a full report.
o Understand the current threats and issues with your current network devices.
o Advantage can help with remediation to eliminate any vulnerabilities which can lead to  devastating hacks and cripple your business productivity.

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Keith Heilveil

In 1999 Advantage Industries was created to protect and promote our client’s success through the use of innovative technology. Our company is a full services technology firm that provides computer network support and solutions, managed services, cybersecurity, and custom application development for small and medium businesses in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas.

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Tim Happel

Tim Happel

Sr. Director of Sales, PMP

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