Stay On Track With Co-Managed IT

Whether your project is being held up by a lack of time, a lack of money, or a lack of another key resource, the result is that your business is falling behind. Get the extra resources you need and stay on track with Co-Managed IT.

Co-Managed IT Helps Your Project Stay On Track

Why is your latest project being held up? It’s likely a result of:

  • No time: No matter how capable and efficient your IT team is, there are only so many hours in the day.
  • No money: At a certain point, a lack of cash flow will prevent you from getting that project done when you need it done.
  • No expertise: Depending on the project, it could involve a new technology that your internal staff doesn’t have experience with. Learning about the technology in question may require extensive training and costly certifications. No internal IT team can be experts in every single technology your business processes rely on.

What’s the solution? Get the extra help you need with co-managed IT services.

What Is Co-Managed IT?

Co-managed IT services allow businesses and their IT teams to take advantage of the expertise and skill of a team of IT specialists when needed, and without paying expensive salaries or benefits. It’s an affordable solution that allows you to expand your current IT resources and make sure you always have the tech support you need.

What Are The Benefits Of Co-Managed IT?

  • Offload Administration And Support: Your co-managed IT vendor can handle all of the network administration and helpdesk needs of your business for 25 – 50% of the cost of hiring a single new tech staff member.
  • Freedom of Focus: Without having to oversee network administration and helpdesk requests, your internal staff can discuss, design, and implement your project.
  • Harness Expertise: You can also bring on expertise and extensive experience offered by your co-managed IT provider in that same 25-50% margin. While your team may have done one or two cloud migrations before, your vendor has done hundreds, if not thousands of migrations, all in different industries and different needs. Put that expertise and experience to work for you.

Get The Support And Resources You Need With Co-Managed IT

Don’t let your support tickets pile up, or your projects sit unfinished any longer. Talk to the Advantage Industries team today to augment your internal team with additional support from ours.

With a little extra help from our team, you will:

  • Eliminate overdue support requests for your end-users and vastly reduce day to day downtime.
  • Complete major projects more quickly and effectively.
  • Have the freedom to strategically devote your internal IT teams capabilities where they’re most needed, without overworking them.

The quality and effectiveness of your IT team are up to you. Will you give them the resources and support they need to succeed? Advantage Industries is here to provide the extra help you need – all you have to do is ask.

Not Happy with your current IT Company? Advantage Industries is here to help.

Fill out the form below to schedule a no-obligation review with Advantage.


Keith Heilveil

In 1999 Advantage Industries was created to protect and promote our client’s success through the use of innovative technology. Our company is a full services technology firm that provides computer network support and solutions, managed services, cybersecurity, and custom application development for small and medium businesses in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas.

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Tim Happel

Tim Happel

Sr. Director of Sales, PMP

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