Business Continuity Consulting

Advantage Industries offers businesses in Columbia, Bethesda and throughout Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC fully managed business continuity. Contact us to make sure you stay operational when disasters strike.

Business Continuity Consulting In Columbia MD, Howard County & Surrounding Region

Running your organization during bad weather or through the rainy seasons can be tricky. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in Columbia, Bethesda, or anywhere else in Maryland, Virginia or DC, disasters have touched down in your area. In some instances, life-threatening.
One year you had too many close calls. Or you suffered a near business loss due to destructive activities. To avoid these close calls and terrible events, do what other decision-makers did. They started using Business Continuity Consulting from Advantage Industries to help weather the storms.

What is Business Continuity Consulting?

Business Continuity Consulting is a pre-disaster consulting service, offered by companies like Advantage Industries. A continuity consultant is brought in to set up your business continuity plans. Your plans outline how your organization will operate during and after an unexpected disaster or disruption in your service.

What is the First Step When Creating a Business Continuity Plan?

  • Customer/Member communications
  • Sales and sales administration
  • Other on-line real-time customer services
  • Finance and accounting
  • Service delivery processes
  • Human resources management
  • Quality control mechanisms
  • Information technology services
  • Customer service handling
  • Premises/facilities
  • Maintenance and support services
  • Marketing and public relations

What Should Your Organization’s Business Continuity Plan Include?

In your pre-disaster documentation, our consultants will show you how to categorize and organize each area of your organization thoroughly. For instance, you will have a Protection of Property section, that covers your building assets and how to protect your windows, roof, file cabinets, computers.
Another section is your Protection of Data entries, such as hard copies of company files, tax documentation, any legal contracts, onsite data storage. Right down to the waterproof containers you might use to protect your data.

What to Consider For Your Modern Workplace

The modern workplace has changed your business model. When your staff works remotely, there are other areas you’ll need to cover in your business continuity planning. Along with protecting your property and data, you still have to maintain continuity and mitigate employee risk.
For example, due to accidental deletion, or malicious internal threats from staff, the remote worker, unsupervised, can still create serious problems for your organization. These, too, are contingencies you want to cover with our Business Continuity Consultants and have documented.

Is There More You Should Know?

When it comes to thorough preparedness, in the event your organization cannot function, due to a disruption or disaster, get a head-start with our comprehensive analysis. Then you can determine how to protect personnel, decide which systems are necessary, and assess your current recovery mechanisms. To get started, contact us. Our pre-disaster continuity consultants will guide you through our process.

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Keith Heilveil

In 1999 Advantage Industries was created to protect and promote our client’s success through the use of innovative technology. Our company is a full services technology firm that provides computer network support and solutions, managed services, cybersecurity, and custom application development for small and medium businesses in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas.

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Tim Happel

Tim Happel

Sr. Director of Sales, PMP

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