Mike And Alison After Hours
Chris Swartz — Bestgate Engineering

This episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Chris Swartz, Principal Owner of DoD contractor Bestgate Engineering.

Mike And Alison After Hours: Chris Swartz — Bestgate Engineering

This episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast features Chris Swartz, Principal Owner of DoD contractor Bestgate Engineering.

Both outfitted in knowingly ugly holiday sweaters, Mike and Alison kicked off this episode of the podcast by talking about the importance of knowing your client. While any confident salesperson would suggest that they could sell to anyone, there’s still value in being industry-specific.

This is the case for this episode’s featured guest, Chris Swartz, who operates a DoD contracting firm — check out the full recording to discover more:

Get To Know Chris Swartz, Principal Owner of Bestgate Engineering

Chris got into his current line of work starting as a software engineer, and steadily worked his way through management roles and operating a small business, eventually bringing him to his current work with the DoD. Bestgate Engineering is made up of software engineers with consulting experience and a penchant for business.

“We essentially cut out the middleman,” says Chris. “The community has been largely supportive of us, but it has been a lot of work.”

As much work as it has been, Chris is satisfied with where it has gotten him and the team at Bestgate Engineering. By keeping an open mind and looking for ways to improve the nature of the business they operate in, Chris and his co-founders saw that they could simplify the work they did, eliminating a degree of separation between contractors and software engineers.

“I think that’s a key here, is recognizing an opportunity and recognizing that you can do it,” says Chris.

For the full discussion with Chris about Bestgate Engineering’s services, make sure to check out the full episode of the Mike And Alison After Hours podcast. To contact Chris, go to www.bestgateeng.com, email christopher.swartz@bestgateeng.com, or call 443.924.6478.

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