5 Cybersecurity Risks During COVID-19

What are the top cybersecurity risks during COVID-19? Advantage Industries shares insights into all the potential cybersecurity risks during COVID-19.

Cybersecurity Risks During COVID-19

If you’re like most businesses, the Coronavirus has wreaked havoc on your day-to-day operations. Swift changes have been necessary to stay afloat, and what many companies are doing now to keep their doors open is unprecedented. While these adjustments can help keep your bottom line from taking too big a hit, they do create some additional cybersecurity concerns. Here are 5 security risks to your online network that your company should be paying attention to in the wake of COVID-19.

Cybersecurity COVID-19

1. Remote Work

Although transitioning to a partially or fully remote workplace is precisely what is keeping many organizations open during the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s also the very thing that will substantially increase your risk of a cybersecurity attack. Spreading your network across multiple devices in multiple locations — often across the world — makes it critical to ensure that your network is stronger than ever before.

How to Protect Your Network In the Era of Virtual Workplaces

Unless you’re an IT professional yourself, chances are you’re going to need a helping hand when it comes to ensuring your virtual network is protected from security breaches now that your team is spread out across multiple locations and with multiple different hardware types. Make sure the IT professional you choose is well-versed in how COVID-19 has changed the cybersecurity landscape and is up-to-date on the latest ways to protect your business.

2. Poorly Trained Employees

Employees who aren’t adequately trained to detect and ward off security breaches are arguably a company’s largest security risk. In the aftermath of the outbreak of COVID-19, companies are firing, hiring, and struggling to keep their workforce intact in general let alone well-trained. However, training your employees on critical security issues isn’t something you can (or should) skimp out on.

How to Train Your Employees Post-Pandemic

Create a robust security training program for new and existing staff members that can be accessed remotely from any device. Include training on how the Coronavirus has changed company operations and what responsibilities employees have in regards to helping to keep the company’s network safe and secure.

3. Unsecure Company-Issued Devices

Your company may be issuing remote devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops to employees who are working remotely. However, when these devices aren’t properly secured, they can pose a serious security risk to your business.

How to Secure Company-Issued Electronic Devices

Log all devices issued by the company and keep a record of the device, its model and serial number, and the employee to whom it has been issued. Prior to this, make sure that each device has the appropriate security software installed. For example, if you will only be allowing employees to use the device for work, you can install a program that locks all non-work applications like games and social media.

4. Social Engineering Attacks

As security software — and people — have become wiser to common attacks like malware, phishing, and ransomware, hackers have had to become more clever if they wanted to continue their fraudulent activity. Enter social engineering attacks — a type of malicious attack designed to psychologically manipulate a user into divulging sensitive information or giving access to critical data to unauthorized parties.

How to Protect Against Social Engineering Scams

The best way to ensure your company is protected against social engineering attacks is to make sure your employees know what to look for. Social engineering requires a human person to fall prey to the scammer’s tactics — make sure your staff isn’t as susceptible.

5. Lack of a New Cybersecurity Policy

COVID-19 has changed the working landscape, but many businesses fail to update their cybersecurity policy to stay abreast of the latest developments within the company. If you’re still using your pre-Coronavirus security policy, you’ll likely need to give it an update to reflect new changes to security measures and different ways of working for your business.

How to Update Your Cybersecurity Policy

Work with an IT professional to evaluate your current security processes and make recommendations as needed to increase your company’s protection. Then, develop a new cybersecurity policy that takes the Coronavirus — and any other significant changes — into account.

Secure Your Critical Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Advantage Industries

At Advantage Industries, we understand how businesses are struggling after the Coronavirus breakout. We’re committed to helping your company not only survive but thrive safely and securely. Contact us today to learn more about your cybersecurity options by calling .

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Keith Heilveil

In 1999 Advantage Industries was created to protect and promote our client’s success through the use of innovative technology. Our company is a full services technology firm that provides computer network support and solutions, managed services, cybersecurity, and custom application development for small and medium businesses in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas.

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Tim Happel

Tim Happel

Sr. Director of Sales, PMP

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